Friday, 4 January 2013

Set up your first Blog

When you have your google account ready, you can either press the return to blogger button or sign in anew at You will then have to click new blog in order to start your first blog.

Next step is to give your blog a title and an address. It does not really matter what you call your blog, but the address matters a lot. It should be unique and also easy to remember for your students. It may not always be an easy task to come up with a suitable address, because a lot of your good ideas may already have been taken. That is for example why this blog here is called which is not really a very sophisticated title, alas :-(

Then you can choose a template. I suggest you choose one of the pre-set templates (= blog designs) for now. You can always come back to the templates and then play around with all the features there later.
And that's it. Your very first blog is born. CONGRATULATIONS!! Now you are ready to start posting your news!

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