Sunday, 6 January 2013

Organising your Post Labels

It is important to label all your posts, so that you - and others - can easily find them later on when there are lots and lots of posts on your blog. In order to put an index of all your labels on your blog's sidebar you need to follow the steps below:

First open the design window by clicking on design in the top right hand corner of your blog.

In the design area you must then click on Layout:

Then a window like the one below will open. 

Now click on Add a Gadget. In the window that then opens you will have to scroll down till you find Labels.


Now click on the Labels icon and yet another window will open which looks like the one below.

This time you can decide what you would like to be shown in the sidebar. You can leave the setting as it is or change any options you are not happy with. Finally click save. That's it. Your labels index now appears in the sidebar. 

If you have more gadgets in the sidebar, you can change their order by right-clicking on them and then by moving them up and down as you see fit. You will need to press the orange box save arrangement when you have finished.

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